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CERAMICS, GLASS, BRONZE AND CONCRETE on Thursday 25th April 2020 from 6PM to 8.30PM

A group exhibition featuring Charlotte Barker Silvano Bavia Augustine Carr Shaun Fraser Wendy Mayer Harry Morgan Paolo Staccioli Sunghoon Yang Zulu pottery

No 20 Arts is delighted to present CERAMICS, GLASS, BRONZE AND CONCRETE, a group exhibition including works by Charlotte Barker, Silvano Bavia, Augustine Carr, Shaun Fraser, Wendy Mayer, Harry Morgan, Paolo Staccioli, Sunghoon Yang and Zulu pottery. 

Presenting artworks that range from ceramic wall pieces, sculptures and vases, glassworks containing soil from the Highlands to sculptures that challenge common preconceptions about materials by juxtaposing concrete and glass, the exhibition constitutes a survey of contemporary artistry and craftmanship placing an emphasis on materiality and its possibilities. 

Una mostra collettiva con Charlotte Barker Silvano Bavia Agostino Carr Shaun Fraser Wendy Mayer Harry Morgan Paolo Staccioli Sunghoon Yang Zulu ceramiche



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